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Web Design

Exceptional & Responsive Design

Web Design for Small Companies

Small Businesses

The best Web Design company for Small & Startup Businesses in Ghana

We offer website development services for small and startup companies. We believe that, every business should have the web presence required, and that is why we offer unique, beautiful, responsible and most of all affordable web design service for small and startup companies. WE ARE YOUR SURE BET.

Small businesses don’t work the same way as big companies, but we believe website should offer opportunities for these two categories alike. It takes a specialist agency to know how to design websites for small businesses, especially when they’re focused on growth. That’s why it’s so important that you pick the right web design agency for your small business, to ensure that your company achieves its goals. That is where we come in to help you.

Every small business has a separate list of needs, so to put these needs into implementation, we research to choose the perfect design model for you. We also consider your budget in relation to your peculiar need and the way that they seem to fit with your business as a whole.

Corporate Website

We will help you to achieve your goals and to grow your business brand

Great design inspires users to take action. Design can humanize brands and help users discover, learn, experience and enjoy–with greater ease. Jobhouse Web Services  help corporate entities use the web to communicate their missions, drive sales-ready opportunities. This is done by designing websites that meet the highest standards to help them meet their needs.

Some few features a Corporate Website must have which we provide include;

We offer the best website design service in Ghana that scales pretty well on all devices. This is what is referred to as the responsiveness of your website. Our website is one that is responsive to mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop devices. This is what your corporate establishment NEEDS, a mobile and tablet-ready version of your website. As many are depending on their handheld devices these days, you would not want to miss any opportunity of getting a new client, even when they are using handheld devices.

Before any design or line of code, we at Jobhouse Web Services make sure we are fully aware of how your website will look like, work, how your visitors will find information, submit forms, go from pages to pages, etc. This information is also really important to search engines.

In the same way that a map is useless without a legend,  a website becomes of no use without a properly arrange menu. We make sure your users find what all the information they want through properly arranged menu.

Your website needs to display information that your visitors “want,” not what is most important to you, which can be difficult for you differentiate. Jobhouse Web Services help you put yourself in the shoes of a first-time visitor to your own site. Our website beautifully integrates a “call to action” sections that encourages customers to embark on the process of doing business with you.

We believe that your contact information is one of the most important information to display on your website!  When a prospective customer wants to connect with you or buy from you, they need to find you first.  Jobhouse

We are currently rated high as the top website design company in Ghana because we don’t only pay attention to how stunning your website looks, but we also place emphasis on the security of your website.  We go the extra mile to make sure your content is well encrypted by SSL. We take care of every backdoor that may cause your site to go down. We’ve got you, and you are in save hands.

We integrate your website with your social media platforms such ash Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, to name a few.  This helps your clients and possible clients to follow you and your activities on social media.

People always have questions. It’s always a good idea to show them and provide answers on your website; this will help your customers know about products, policies, warranties, etc. JobHouse Web Services work with you in the course of the site development to develop self explanatory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) so your users can get self help on your website

web design companies in ghana - CAWHI


We also offer great and very affordable website design services to NGO’s (Churches, Orphanages, Charity and more). We make sure to clearly depict what you stand for in our design process. This is what makes us stand out among the rest.

Affordable Design

We give you a great package that is very affordable

Donation Integration

We provide a donation platform for your NGO Website

Advance Cause System

A very intuitive way of letting people know about your projects.