Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends and Innovations for 2020

Since its introduction back in 2000, digital marketing is fast evolving. The high paced technological advancements have substantially influenced the promotion of products and services through them. If your brand needs to survive in this competitive climate you have to up your game in every step.
The year 2020 will see many emerging trends in digital marketing. It may also mark the end of some of the old and outdated techniques. If you look out for these changes and adapt quickly to the situations, you will have an edge above your competitors. More importantly, it will aid you in retaining your customers and growing your business.
The emerging digital marketing strategies of 2020 are:
1. Chatbots
Though chatbots have been introduced into the picture years before, its importance in the platform has only gone up. They make the content more interactive and accessible to the customer as they can voice their questions and get specific answers to them in real time. The more effective and comprehensive the answers, the more satisfied the customer. Chat bots allow easier to access information and make the customer feel important. Hence it is something to look out for in 2020.
2. Evolving SEO techniques
The term Search Engine Optimization is around in the digital marketing platform for a long time. People have been using various white hat and black hat techniques to drive in traffic to their website. But recently there are a lot of updates in the search engine industry, like Google’s BERT update, that has changed the SEO landscape all together.
The new changes in the search engine call for new approaches in SEO techniques. The deep learning algorithms focus on giving useful content to
the person who does the search. Hence the contents should be clearer, well researched and useful. The more relevant and useful the content is, the more traffic it will generate.
3. Personalization is Key
Nobody wants to wade through the junk of unwanted stuff to find the one that they are looking for. Similarly, nobody wants to see advertisements for
products that they do not need. New trends have emerged in understanding the customer’s behavior and search pattern and coming up with personalized marketing strategies. Hence the customer only sees those things that appeal to him. In 2020, most companies will adopt personalized marketing strategies to target the precise audience.
4. Voice searches
Statistics prove that there is a steady rise in the number of voice searches in the past few years. With the improvement of voice assistants like Siri and
Alexa, the trend is surely going up. Hence it is something to look forward to in the near future. Optimizing voice searches will grow your brand better in 2020.
5. Insights into customer needs
It is becoming increasingly important to understand what the customer needs and respond accordingly. Companies rely on analytic tools for this.
But the online businesses have developed new ways of generating revenue like affiliate marketing, partnerships and so on. Moreove, the marketing is
ever evolving and new channels like voice searches are being introduced. So 2020 will see the popular use of more powerful analytic tools that ties
better with the company’s data base.
Source: Codeaweb
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