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Mobile Websites For Android – The Benefits

Mobile Websites – The Benefits

In our glorious country, we have people navigating a smartphone concurrently while using their home-made long drop. Shocking to some but the facts don’t lie; mobile websites are becoming increasingly popular as a way for users to find your website. It’s safe to say mobile websites are more important for your business than you may realise. This blog serves as a guide to build a solid case with regards to this importance.

The first and most obvious reason to integrate mobile websites into your budget is their ability to improve the user experience tenfold. If you have access to a smartphone and have recently been browsing various websites or received a link to a website on your mobile device, we can almost guarantee to a degree that you have encountered websites that are either not responsive or badly integrated on your mobile device. This can really damage your first impression of the website and I’d bet you would not frequent the same website any further in future, never mind recommend it to others.

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This brings me to the next fundamental benefit mobile websites possess. That’s their ability to capture a visitor’s attention and keep them on your website longer. Generally speaking a user accessing a website on a mobile device will only do so for a limited amount of time, especially if they are on the go. This means your entire desktop website display is not going to be efficient in captivating the user; it may even be a deterrent. However if the same user visited mobile websites with user friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate, this would result in that particular user being converted into a customer.

A less obvious feature that mobile websites bring to the table is their loading speed. A normal desktop website display takes a lot longer to load on mobile devices, if it loads at all. This is where responsive websites come in handy; they are coded in such a way that they are fully compatible with mobile device settings. If your user is waiting longer than 10 seconds to view your website, chances are they are going to move on to other alternatives.

We as webmasters are slaves to the all-powerful Google search engine (amongst others). This brings me to the next and most lucrative perk of creating mobile websites, the improved search engine optimisation. This just blew your mind, am I right? Your website will rank better on Google mobile searches if it has a designated mobile website, rather than the less attractive desktop alternatives our laptop and PC’s have come to show us.

In concluding we can definitely confirm that mobile websites will provide your business with a substantial competitive edge over your competition. I would urge you to consider the above and perhaps take a look at some of your competitor’s websites. Are they staying at the top of the industry with mobile websites?

Source: The Webshack