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It all starts with content

You have a new or established business you want to market, but have a small or maybe no budget to revamp or launch your brand. What next?

Let’s start with an example. An established business with no website. The business is located in Ghana and provides Pool Cleaning Services. How do they compete against other businesses ranked on page 1 of the search engines? It all starts with a simple SEO content program which attracts Inbound visitor searches. Also known as SEO Content.

Paid search engine traffic receives about 18% of click through, while organic positions (based on regularly adding quality consistent content) receive upwards of 70% of the visitor traffic! Wow, what does that tell you? It should convey that if you begin contributing to Inbound sources such as adding blogs to your website, writing articles, providing information and tips about your services for “Inbound Visitor Traffic” that you will soon establish yourself and your business as an authoritative site with a following.

How do you accomplish this? It does not happen overnight but it can. First make a list of a few ways you can market on the web for free. Or virtually for free (your time is valuable). Of ways to market there are the obvious choices:

  • Blog on your website.
  • Join Linked In, Twitter or Facebook and write a post or reply to others posts.
  • Search for good forums within your industry and contribute.

When we approach this topic with our customers they understand the concept, but most are hesitant to begin to blog or write for a variety of reasons such as; I’m not a writer, I don’t have the time, No one is interested in my subject. This is nonsense. There are people searching everyday for general information, answers, tips, recommendations, tools, references and more. If you are confident about the information you are sharing and are diligent then you will have success with reaching markets you never dreamed were there.

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Good SEO for a website starts with the web design company understanding your business, your industry and your customers. From there developing an effecting SEO strategy is very elementary. Many web SEO companies want you to believe it is “rocket science” to get great rankings or to get you to top of page one on the search engines. Based on your available time either you or someone you trust can begin to add consistent and quality content about your industry.

At this time only 65% of the US participate in social networks. Some rely on it solely as a mechanism for marketing or branding their product or service. Hurray for them!, but you can only go so far with social networking without a website. Creating your own website will allow the visitors to understand more about you. When they look at a website and read content or view products on your website they are making conscious decisions about you, your brand and your service. A good well thought website – even it is basic is one of the best investments you can make in marketing yourself. It also provides you with a platform to add SEO content and begin to appeal to the hundreds of thousands of visitors searching for your service. Keep in mind even if you are local the person searching for you may not be.

In closing, Add Content, Add Content, Add Content. Not only will it help you establish your branding, but when you take the time to write about an aspect of your business it can help your re-think, focus and share important information that can help your team and others.

Source: RGB Internet