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3 Ideas That Will Make People Love Your Blog

We all know how important it is to get traffic to a blog. But it’s equally important that those who visit your blog quickly become ardent fans. Otherwise, most of them will probably never return, much less share your blog with others. Here are 3 simple ideas you can use on your blog to help develop a loyal base of fans:

1. Write in the first person.

This tip is number one because it’s the most fundamental element of creating likable content. Writing in the first person is writing like you speak.

Most people aren’t consciously aware of this, but when we read, our eyes are simply the tools through which our brain receives the text. It’s through our mind’s ear that we actually convert that text into “audible” words. As a result, the mind’s ear of the reader hears the textual content as though someone is speaking. And, if the reader happens to be familiar with the actual voice of the author, their mind’s ear will often hear in that person’s voice. What could be more natural? And what could be easier to consume?

2. Use multiple images.

Including a single image is great for your blog’s SEO – we all know that. But most publishers don’t go beyond that. By incorporating multiple relevant images in each post, you’ll make the content come alive. Pictures and other imagery can touch people on an emotional level much more readily than just text. And it’s emotion that makes people take whatever action you wish them to take by consuming your content. That includes returning often and sharing your blog with others.

3. Incorporate fan-sourced content.

I’m sure you know that the more frequently you post to your blog, the better. But that doesn’t mean you have to create every bit of content yourself. By inviting visitors to share their stories and photos, you give them a sense of ownership of the blog.

Think about that for a moment. How much more likely will your fans be to share your blog with their circle of friends and followers if they had a hand in creating some of the content? Of course, you’ll want to have your blog set up so you moderate all submissions. You may even want to publish submission guidelines so that people have an idea of what’s acceptable and what’s not. That’s how you’ll ensure that all content published on your blog is relevant.

By incorporating these ideas into your blog, you’ll be able to maximize both its reach and its effectiveness.

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Source: This Article was originally published on Dogulin digital